How to use postman in very beginning

Lucas chang
2 min readJul 25, 2021

I am a data analyst who want to learn more it stuffs, and maybe in a few years

I want to use it tools to make a ml automatic pipeline. So, I start learning api,

when we talk about api, lots of tutorial use postman, so there we go!


  1. register a postman account(I use google to resigter it)
  2. make a new collections
  3. make a new request in the collections
  4. type the api link in get block and press send and you will see the response in the downside.

5.If you want to get specific data, you can use post method , body -> raw -> json, and insert the json file.



“id”: 11,

“name”: “Krishna Rungta”,

“username”: “Bret”,

“email”: “”,

“address”: {

“street”: “Kulas Light”,

“suite”: “Apt. 556”,

“city”: “Gwenborough”,

“zipcode”: “92998–3874”,

“geo”: {

“lat”: “-37.3159”,

“lng”: “81.1496”



“phone”: “1–770–736–8031 x56442”,

“website”: “”,

“company”: {

“name”: “Romaguera-Crona”,

“catchPhrase”: “Multi-layered client-server neural-net”,

“bs”: “harness real-time e-markets”




postman tutorial json file

reference website



Lucas chang

graduate from applied statistic in Taiwan Good at Machine Learning, Text mining, Deep Learning, Data Analysis....